As I lay awake thinking,
What do I hear creeping across my bed..
 I look across the darken room,
Shadows in every looming corner,
It's scratching ever so booming in my darken room so looming..
As I again lay there thinking it again comes creeping..
Across my bed it runs only to the end of my bed..
"Oh My", I screech is it going to eat my feet..
Then as it quickly came it faded away..
But to my surprise I see it's glowing eyes..
Not two, but four was there more...
As I lay awake thinking...
They leap across my bed...
I am thinking I hope it was fed..
The darken room falls quite...
As I lay awake thinking...
They suddenly bounce....
....."Oh it's only you both, my sweet
fuzzballs Snickers and Cheesecake.."
Have a happy weekend..Chapter 4 of "Why Humans smell so much" will be
next week..hope to see all you ferts then..
Please send replys to: Diana  <[log in to unmask]>
[Posted in FML issue 2110]