Hi all,
I am a new ferret owner who just bought a ferret in July.  Zaidy is a 3
year old female, and im assuming she is a MF ferret (She is petite and has
her ear tattoed).  When i bought her i didn't know that much about ferrets
( a little from friends, and a pet shop owner i knew...but learned alot
fast).  I knew the basics on how and what to feed them (and what NOT to
feed them) and i reasearched enough to know proper care but not a whole lot
about them until after i got her.  I never asked the lady that owned her
about her, so i don't know any of her history.  Looking back though, i feel
she was owned by either a neglectful owner or by one that was ignorant of
ferrets. Since then she has gained alot of weight (i feed her MF ferret
food), and has become quite friendly and playful.  When i first got her she
was quite shy and has taken a while for her to warm up to my family and I.
Now she is an addition to my family along with my horse  (loved even by my
mom who didn't want me to get a ferret or any other animal). I love the FML
and all the other nice web pages with lots of info and  have found it nice
to read about other ferret owners and probs.  And found that my ferret
seems extremely healthy.  I feel im fortuanate to have found such a nice
little ferret who never bites or destroys stuff.  I would love to get
another one.  I would also like to find out rules & regulations on showing
and any info anyone can give me.  If anyone out there has any info that you
would like to share please feel free to e-mail me.  I'd love to hear from
anyone who loves ferrets whether you can help me or not :)
Boinky(owner) & Zaidy(ferret)
[Posted in FML issue 2109]