Does anyone know if more "batches" of Swedish Angora ferrets are in the
country?  There's 1 group here in Oregon, and another in Kansas?  Is that
it?  Can we stop worrying that somewhere, more of these little guys need
Today, I contacted Nadine of Quality Ferrets, who, by the way, was NOT, I
repeat, NOT the breeder, or the shipper in this situation.  She was asked by
the Swedish breeder to help locate another broker, as the one with the
ferrets was going out of the country.  But by this time, our own gallant
Troy Lynn, and Lynda, had things under control.  With the little detour to
California, that is!  Somebody send Troy Lynn a box of Clairol - I think
she's gonna have a massive grey hair infusion from that one!  Don't ask what
color she wants - she loves suprises!
Please remember everyone, that Quality Ferrets ships only to individual
purchasers now.  So those of you who get one of Chris' or Troy Lynn's
darlings - when you want another one - Quality is the place to go.  My
Melbourne (Burnie) came from them.  Gee, I sound like a car salesman.  I
think it's time to go!
[Posted in FML issue 2109]