I woke up this morning and went in the bathroon to get ny two ferrets as
usual.  The boy, Cassidy, who is a little over 2 was laying in his bed
staring at me.  This is not that unusual for him.  I noticed that the food
bowl was empty so I filled it up expecting Cassidy to come out to eat.  I
picked him up and he started pawing at his mouth and drooling all over
himself.  I gave him some ferretone and he licked it, then I gave him a
piece of food.  He started to chew it and just fell over on his side.  It
looked like he was dead but he was still breathing.  After a couple of
seconds he was fine and went to the bowl and ate like crazy.  On Saturday he
had a similar episode of pawing at the but I had just mopped the floor and
his breath seemed to smell a little like blaech so I thought he had licked
some which he has never done before.  I called the vet and he said to give
him water and he should be fine.  Looking back, I don't think he licked any
bleach off the floor because he never even goes into the kitchen because he
would rather be on the carpet where it is easier to walk.  I am taking him
this afternoon to have his blood sugar checked.  Has anyone else had a
similar experience or know what could be wrong.  I know a little about
insulinoma but I am praying that it is not that.
Thanks, Melanie
Melanie A. Hough
[Posted in FML issue 2108]