I'm keeping a close eye on my ferrets for now, but I have recently found a
pencil missing an eraser and what look like chew marks.  That was a couple
of days ago...Ramona seems to be fine, pooping up a storm as usual.  Mimi is
worrying me, though.  She hasn't shown any of the telltale signs of
blockage, except her pooping does seem to be rought with occasional bouts of
constapation (but she always had trouble going while someone was watching,
so I don't know if she's okay or not).  Other than that everything seems to
be normal, both are still happy and playful and packing the food down at
every opportunity.  If I should need to get them to a vet, does anyone know
of a good one near the Savannah, GA area?  Also...Big Mimi and Ramona's best
friend Joe-Joe has passed over the rainbow bridge after six years of being
king of the dust bunnies and ruler of unopened packages of socks, we'll all
miss him.
Chris, Mercedes, Big Mimi and Ramona
[Posted in FML issue 2108]