I have a question for anyone who might know the answer. :-)  The problem is
that I am currently babysitting 2 ferrets for a friend and one seems to be
very aggressive towards females.  He is fine with his brother and my Taz but
with his sister and my girls he bites their neck very hard.  I was wondering
if this may be because he was used for breeding when he was younger, (he is
now about 5 and is a rescue, his owners no longer had time for him) or if he
just for some reason does not like females ???  I'll have him and his
brother for another week and a half yet and am planning on trying to modify
this behavior , so if anyone has any suggestions for me please let me know.
He is a very sweet boy otherwise.  Oh, he is fixed now and at least
partially decented ( he was fixed pryer to his being adopted,either by his
previous owner or by the breeder himself).  He appears to be from a private
breeder because he doesn't have any dots in his ears.  I would like to try
to modify this behavior for his mom because his sister has a heart condition
and shouldn't get too excited.
Anyway, if you have any ideas for me please let me know.  Thanks in advance.
Rascal, Smudge,Taz, Bandit, Noodles and Wyle ( the 2 I'm babysitting)
[Posted in FML issue 2107]