Well, I'm finally becoming human again after our trip to the MaFF Halloween
Frolic on Sunday.  We were there pretty much all day and we were going from
the time we got there to the time we went to bed!  My poor beasties are
still sleeping it off ;-)=20
Stinky won 2 ribbons, 2nd place for best costume (for those of you there she
was Super Ferret) and 3rd place for fastest tube runner.  This was our
second get together of this type and both times she won two ribbons ;-)
Pepper my big butted sweety has yet to win a thing ;-(   I suggest some
contest for the sleepy, lazy, way to cool for this contest kind of ferrets
so that he can bring home a ribbon too.  We had a great day all the same and
my son has vowed to hand make a ribbon (or 2) for Pepper to hang with all of
Tink's on their traveling bag.  He really is a good kid, my daughter on the
other hand (a good kid too) gave me a run for my money at the Frolic... she
is only 6 and gets bored very very quickly.  She was practicing her ballet
moves ALL over the hall, when she wasn't doing that she was whining to buy
everything from every table there.  What I wouldn't have given for a park or
play area near by for her.
Question, does anyone have some detailed information on Mira the burned
ferret?  We saw her picture there and my son wanted to know the details of
what happened, did the people do that to her purposefully or was she burned
and stepped on by accident.  Unfortunately I didn't pay as much attention to
her story as I thought I did.
One more question.  Does anyone from NH have a fuzzy paper or local
newspaper with the inf. and pictures from the NHFOC Ferret Awareness Day?
I would love to get a copy and will pay for the shipping and newsletter/
newspaper.  Please e-mail me if you have any inf.
Deanna & Dave,
Jonathan___  Don't worry Pep, you're #1 with me (kiss kiss snuggle snuggle)
Casey___     But MOM, please can I have everything I want? YOU NEVER BUY
             ME ANYTHING!!!
Pepper___    Huh? What? Hey did something happen... guess not, wake me up
             when we get home.
Stinky___    What, 2nd? No way, I was WWWAAAYYYY cuter than those 2 peas in
             pod things and besides I think they were left out to long
             cause they sure smelt spoiled to me.
[Posted in FML issue 2107]