For some reason the ferrets have been very loving lately, and I do mean
VERY.  I also have 2 dogs, Sunny - 12yrs - Lab/brit x, and Sheena - 10 yrs -
Weim/beagle/?.  I had the ferrets before the dogs so the dogs did grow up
with them.  The dogs tolerate the ferrets, probably because they enjoy
sneaking in the kitchen to scarf up leftover ferret food when I'm sleeping.
Anyway.... Sunny has arthritis and can't move very quickly.  He also knows,
not matter what, snapping at ferrets is not acceptable.  Lately, several of
the ferrets have been walking around and on Sunny and staring into his face.
Sometimes they will lay down nose to nose to him when he is sleeping and he
awakes with a start as the ferret continues to look at him (adoringly???).
Well, the ferrets would much rather inconvenience the dogs than go around
them.  Sunny was eating out of his bowl.  Sunny won't let Sheena eat when he
does, she has to wait till he is finished.  One of the ferrets comes up,
walks between Sunny's front feet and the bowl (maybe 2 inch space), stops in
front of Sunny and looks up at him, then continues around to the other side.
This little fur piece (I'm sure I heard Sunny call him that) had the nerve
to lean his entire top portion of his body into the bowl to get a piece of
dog food (Euk.  Maint.)while Sunny was eating!  Sunny turned his head to
look away until the ferret got just the piece he wanted (several minutes of
searching).  Later, Sunny was sitting by the futon and Weezil kept tickling
his hairs.  Sunny would look at Weezie then slowly get up and move.  This
went on for some time.  I'd wondered when the payback would come.  A little
later Sunny purposely LAID OVER the clear dryer tube and put a nice crimp
right in the middle!
Hugs to all. tle
[Posted in FML issue 2083]