Greetings fellow ferret people, I have some questions, again, to ask you
professionals.  I've had Eddie for nearly a year, and that's about his age.
He's a playful and loving guy, always has been.  Then just two days ago I
accepted a two year old, small female from a work aquaintance.  She's
healthy and active (the ferret that is!) Eddie and Cinder have not fought at
all, and initially seemed to be playing well together.  Cinder had spent her
life around other ferrets, while Eddie had not, and I think he may be
depressed about the whole thing.  Knowing that the intelligence level of
ferrets is high, I imagine that they can become depressed at new situations.
Cinder is aggressive (not mean, just somewhat dominant) and has been
sleeping where Eddie sleeps, eating his food, drinking his water, etc... and
the result is a lifeless Eddie, not wanting to play, breathing hard,
sleeping when he would normally be dragging my shoe into the bedroom.
Is this normal?  I love him so much, and miss the old Eddie.  I don't know
what to do.  At least they're not fighting, I suppose, but this is equally
bad.  Granted, it has only been three days since the introduction, but I am
worried.  I don't want him to be sad, and am trying to let him know that I
love him still, despite the addition of another ferret.  Is this what other
people have experienced when adding a ferret used to other ferrets to a
solitary one?  I hope so, and hope that he will snap out of his funk.  I'm
going to buy another hammock tonight so he can have his own, and not share,
since he's been sleeping on the flat part of the cage while Cinder sleeps in
the hammock, something he never ever does!  Please email me at
[log in to unmask] if you can do so before Friday is over, or at [log in to unmask]
if over the weekend.
--michael, eddie, and now cinder
[Posted in FML issue 2103]