Okay, I'll admit, my light-headedness from either my asthma or the medicines
for it, or some combination thereof has made me garrulous so I'm running
over at the keyboard.  (If you want to hold some back, Bill, just do so as
per your decisions.)
Polecat might originate from poule (fowl), but that is uncertain because a
another early variant was powcat.
Here's a little Chaucer for you:
And eek there was a polcat in his hawe
That as he seyde his capons hadde yslawe
(Basically, the CA F,G & W hen house routine, except Chaucer was at least
referring to polecats rather than to ferrets.)
Bob, How about "Hiegh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to stash we go!"
"Lady Draggin'" (salute to my favorite Rothrock film, "Lady Dragon", which I
need in new copy)
"Tattle Recall" (for the mass response they give to the growl, "WHOSE turds
are these on the floor?", "Total Recall")
"The Musk"  ("The Mask")
[Posted in FML issue 2059]