A friend of mine took her ferret to the vet this evening on an emergency and
the little girl has insulinoma.  She was found and my friend took her in
about 3 months ago.  She is estimated to be between 2 and 3 years old by two
different vets.
Now, my friends has the decision to have surgery or not.  With Blizzard my
ferret that recently died, I opted for surgery back in October.  Bliz lived
a year after diagnosis and appx.  10 mo.  after surgery.  What I wanted to
find out was if anyone has any information about the average survival time
of ferrets with insulinoma.  Someone recently posted survival times after
surgery.  Does anyone know survival times without surgery.  Is there a major
difference?  Has anyone done a study or read a study or just had a lot of
observation.  We would really like to find out.
Plus, does anyone use Program on their ferrets. I have a flea problem
thanks to our family dog and have some program that I got free at the vet
school.If I use it, do I give the entire dose. It is the cat suspension for
10 lbs or less. My guys are less than 2 lbs each now.
Also, I was thinking about entering my guys into a few ferret shows.  I got
my female her rabies vaccination Friday and forgot to get a copy of the
actual vaccine label.  I have the date, brand (Imrab) and serial number
written down.  Do I need an actual photocopy of the label?
Thanks  (I know there are too many questions-Sorry)
Shelley Straight
VA-MD Regional College
of Veterinary Medicine
[Posted in FML issue 2073]