It's thought that most ferrets can see reds but that a wide variation
exists, with some seeing what we'd consider a full range, and others seeing
only black and white (and grays).  Before she lost her sight 'Chopper saw
blue and LOVED it (and while she was losing her sight we'd take the blue New
York Times bags and shine a flashlight through them to give her the color
since she LOVED it.  She used to beat up ANYONE else who would get a blue
collar or blue toys, but not other colors.  (Yes, this includes an
assortment of brand new collars.), and she would pull EVERY blue babble from
the holiday tree but NOT any other color ones.  (The others pull them all
given the chance.) She'd also claim every blue one anyone else stole and put
all the blue ones together by themselves.  What she saw blue AS I can't
know, all I do know is she saw it as different from other colors and ADORED
it.  Someone else posted here about one with the same fetish, as I recall.
Probably rare, but it happens.
Okay, the holidays are rolling in so it's time to post your own Halloween,
Thanksgiving, Midwinter, New Year and other appropriate holiday songs!  The
admiration and painful groans of all here are your rewards, and heck, maybe
Mary and Eric, or someone else will want to print some of them!!!!!!!!  (One
below was done in a newsletter once -- I know because they asked me
beforehand.) These are a few old ones we did:
O' Christmas tree, I'll set you free of ornaments and tinsel/ O' Christmas
Tree, you bear such treats as candy canes and mints, L./ Is eating them and
I'll be blamed/ For his hob acts he should be shamed/ O' Christmas Tree, a
sprite should be able to make them think well
Dashing 'round the room/ We haven't got all day/ Things go bang and boom/ We
know how to play/ Let's climb up the tree/ Tinsel's hung too high/ What fun
it is to cheat and steal, and mess, and jump, and lie!/ Ohhhhhhhhhhh!/
Jingle bell/ on mousie tells/ when Spot hides it away/ For ferrets during
playtime it's Christmas every day...
Deck the halls with misplaced feces/ Fa la la la la  la  la  la  la/ Scent
marking is in our species / Fa la la la la  la  la  la  la/ Burrow now in
your apparel / Fa la la la la  la  la  la  la/ While you sing this ferret
carol / Fa la la la la  la  la  la  la/ We will kiss you and seem so sweet
/ Fa la la la la  la  la  la  la/ Then we'll groom the veins on your feet /
Fa la la la la  la  la  la  la/ We will tell you that we're so good / Fa la
la la la  la  la  la  la/ We do just what mustelids should / Fa la la la la
la  la  la  la/ Now we'll kiss you till you are raw / Fa la la la la  la
la  la  la/ Then we'll drag off your new hack saw / Fa la la la la  la  la
la  la/ We will keep you safe and happy / Fa la la la la  la  la  la  la/
'Cause ferrets make good people sappy / Fa la la la la  la  la  la  la
BTW, we know an INCREDIBLE soprano who may record these for us so they can
be on Steve's website in the holidays!!!!  Megawow!!!!!!
Poor ferrets, Steve never can see well enough to clip their claws or do
their ears, and I can't with the meds I'm on for rag wed season since they
fuzzy up my vision.  If they get too bad we'll take them in to the vets' to
be done.  Usually, they get done every two weeks.  (I've had to take my
e-mail up to 12 point on some days and 14 on a few worse ones, or skip it.)
Kym, maybe it's time to use sheet of newspaper rather than a litter pot for
Patches.  Sometimes that is REAL WIN for very sick, motion impaired or
elderly ones!
Bill, have to write my posts now in a large font and don't know how your
server sorts for lines -- if your's is one the font size would effect, or it
wraps around in standard one.  It will be too large if the former though it
would not be in a standard font size, so am sending it to you privately,
too, in case you need to forward it to the list.
[Moderator's note: THE FML is intentially kept as "standard" as possible: no
MIME, no quoted printables, no attachments etc.  Sometimes people send
encoded things and I either translate them or send em back -- depends how
translatable into standard ASCII text it is (and how much time I have :-))
But Sukie, you'rse came through just as regualr standard email - was fine to
work with!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2072]