Heard frantic scratching and went into the bedroom to see which rompster in
the ferret play room (i.e., the room which only about 2% of the time gets to
function as the master bathroom) was bidding my attendance.  It turned out
to be three of them: Jumpstart, Warp, and Scooter, all reporting that my
toothbrush was on the floor.  "Look, Mom, look at this." by pointedly
staring at me and then bumping at the toothbrush a few times.  I asked, "WHO
do that?", and three heads swiveled, three bodies moved, and three noses
bump-bumped Ashling.  Suspicion confirmed.  No kiddin'.  It happened this
afternoon and Steve can vouch for me.
Sometimes a person looks past reality because she is so busy seeing hopes.
In small doses that can be visionary; in large ones: delusional.
[Posted in FML issue 2070]