Hello all Ferret Lovers,
I am having a contest at my web site.It all started when Snoball and Hootie
snatched the clicker to the T.V. on me a week ago.They hid it somewhere and
kept moving it all over the house and i couldnt find it ,till 3 nights ago,i
watched Snoball all night and after about 3 hours,she went for it!!  So i
got it back,turned on the T.V.,and went to get some popcorn.(oops,where do
you think Snoball was?  )By the time i got back Snoball and hootie took off
with the clicker again !!  This time they had been fooling around on the
computer and hid it somewhere on my web site(huh..how did they do that ?).
They are very resourceful little fuzzballs !  So i need everyones help,
please check out my site, http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/1143 and
please help me find the clicker .  The neighbors are starting to laugh at me
saying that at least thier dog doesn't take the clicker!!  Oh yeah,there is
an award for your website if you find it,but beware,They move it every day!!
with regards from Hootie and Snoball
[Posted in FML issue 2069]