To the person who ran out of Totally Ferret and Jeffers was out too.  It
happened to me one time.  Then I wised up.  When I have about a 2 week
supply of Totally Ferret left in the "main" bag, I order more from Jeffers
(they are the cheapest!).  When I order, I get the 30 lb bag AND a 5 lb bag.
If they are out of feed, I have a 5lb bag in the refrig for "back up".  So,
no panic on my part.  When the main bag is empty, I use the reserve bag.
When the order come in, the 5 lb bag goes into the refrig, etc.  Works great!
Dryer hose tale (tail?) SuperSnooper enters one end, Hershey enters the
other end.  SuperSnooper retreats (he is too fat to double up!) Hershey
turns around and goes out the same end she enters...go figure!!
SuperSnooper's tail wags when he is in reverse gear (guess it is a gear
Hershey tend to carry her tail stright up!
Nan and gang
[Posted in FML issue 2066]