Hello All,
There has been many a post lately on coccidia and I thought I would add my
two cents worth.  Must be the day for it.
Coccidia is an intestinal parasite that is extremely common in birds.  It is
spread by fecal/oral contamination.  This can occur through infested food or
water, or any other oral contact.  It is similar to the recent outbreaks of
cyclospora found in contaminated fruit here in the US.
The symptoms can be severe or non-existant.  They can include bloating,
diarrhea, gas, fever, fatigue, weight loss.  HOWEVER, you do not have to
have any symptoms when the infection is present.
It is very hard to diagnose, as it is very hard to isolate in a fecal
sample.  You may have to preform numerous fecal tests to confirm the
The traditional treatment for coccidia is a sulfa based antibiotic, such as
albon or cotrim for a week.
Coccidia infections can be spread to other animals, such as cats and dogs,
or to humans.
You also need to sterilize the environment.  This includes litter boxes,
toys, linen, food and water containers.  This is easily done with clorox, a
solution of one part clorox to 8 parts water is sufficient.
Giardia is another common parasitic infection in humans and animals.  It has
much of the same symptoms and can also be hard to diagnose with a fecal
sample.  However, the traditional treatment for giardia is metronidazole
Giardia can be resistant to this treatment and the treatment should not be
given for extended periods, due to toxicity.
Alternative herbal treatments for both parasites include citrus seed
extract, which is not absorbed by the body and therefor can be given for
extended periods of time (months if needed).  Another herbal, artemisia
annua is paticularly effective against Giardia.  But care must be taken, it
can worsen effects of the infection at first, and should not be given for
long periods.  But it can be given in conjunction with the citrus seed
You can supplement both treatments with the addition of a lactobacillus to
help rebuild the intestinal tract's natural system.
I have used this herbal regimen with much success in my house, when the
traditional treatments did not work, even after repeated attempts.
[Posted in FML issue 2063]