Calling all FuzzFanatics!
The Baltimore Ferret Club "Ferret Freedom Fiesta" Sanctioned by: Independent
(BFC) will be held on September 27th in Annapolis, Maryland at the National
Guard Armory on Hudson Street (northeast of intersection of Route 2 ((i.e.
Solomons Island Road)) and West Street).  For information 410-448-1281.
Also, on Sunday, September 28th, at the Maryland Renaissance Festival in
Crownsville, Maryland (near Annapolis) the local ferret club will be
sponsoring a medieval ferret awareness booth which will feature a friend of
mine, Richard, in costume with his ferret.  Supposed to have local ferret
vets there, etc.  If any FML'ers go, tell him Suzanne from Michigan says HI!
I wish I could see him in tights!
Have fun,
[Posted in FML issue 2063]