Many of you remember the 5 I cared for for many months while Mom was in
recovery about 7-8 months ago.  Among them was Clubby, who we lost earlier
this year, and Harley, who we lost tonight.  Harley was a rescued
rescue....... Her mom got her and she was skinny, covered with fleas, and
really a mess.  She had her treated and took great care of her and when she
realized she couldn't care for her, had the sense to seek good care for her
while mom recovered.
She's joined Clubby at the Rainbow Bridge and Harley brings with her the
unique love of chasing Ping Pong balls.  For her 8+ years she loved to chase
those balls.  Her illness was sudden and brief and tonight I had her put
down.  (Mom still can't handle that stuff so she called me).  I will
probably know more after the nucropsy tomorrow if you would like details,
but I strongly suspect, old age caught up with her as it must with all of us
Say a special prayer for a little fighter that hung on for a long long time
(she was a MF).
[Posted in FML issue 2063]