While I'm setting in the Doctor's office waiting (and waiting and waiting) I
thought I would write an update of the ferts.
Foster, the 12yo with the arthritic hips is doing *much better*!  We started
him on a .3cc prednisone dose (each third day) and it has absolutely done
wonders.  His coat is better, he is much more active and interested in
things, and his appetite has shot through the roof.  He still limps, but it
is clear he is not feeling as much pain.
Sandy is also doing somewhat better.  She is on a .2cc prednisone dose (odd
days), which seems to have slowed down the growth of the tumor.  After much
discussion, (and FML input), I elected not to go the chemotherapy route
because of the extent of her cancer.  Yesterday I had to run like a bat out
of hell from my morning class to get her over to some vet students who are
interested in learning more about cancer in ferrets.  They practiced
ultrasounds and stuff, and Sandy was the best little girl in the world.  She
was very calm, and didn't nip a single person until I took her back, them,
blam!  right on the forearm!  Blood and everything.  I guess she knew who to
blame.  It was the first time she bit me since I adopted her.  After the
bite, she snuggled into my arms and went to sleep.  Women.
Razz, the adopted fert from KC who had her toenails amputated by her former
owner, had a bout of severe hershey squirts and dropped about a half pound
in two days.  She's well rehydrated, and has been sucking up the duck soup,
Bob's Bone and Meat Mix, and heavy cream mixed with creamed chicken.  She is
maybe 7 or 8 years old, and is at the bottom of the pecking order because of
the disadvantage of missing her claws.  BTW, she is a MF fert, and otherwise
healthy.  Whatever it was, it seems to be over; I suspect a flu although no
one else became ill.
Bear, Chrys, Daye, Stella, Apollo, Moose, Crystal, Trillian, Sam Luc,
Fraggle, Nosette, Simon, Tori and Ballistic are all in great health and
starting to but on the late summer fat.
Carbone, Jet, Amber and Jezabel are growing like weeds, and Carbone is
already almost as large as Bear.  He is going to be huge.  He will set down
and completely consumed a chicken drumstick in a single setting, including
the cartilage and bone.  Then he licks the floor and sniffs for more.  His
coat is actually getting darker and the only white is on his ear tips and
his muzzle, and a tiny pair of white eyebrows.  He is so cute, even I get
mushy looking at him.  I took him to school to show to Paul (A cool vet
student I am corrupting towords research) and Paul's girlfriend actually
melting into a pool of blubbering slime.  I couldn't believe it.  She made
goo=goo noises and everything.  I needed a crowbar to pry the fert out of
her arms, and then she followed behind me, drooling, for hours, mumbling
words like "need one"..."want ferret"..."will kill for fert..." Paul now
hates me.  Or did until I bought him off with a beer and a taco.
All four kits have settled down and have stopped biting the soft parts of my
elbow and back of knee.  They do love to play with me though, and, with
Stella and Bear, follow me all over the house.  One thing about Amber
though; never and I mean *never* get between her and a raisin.  She loves to
hiss anyway, but she gets *mad*!  Throws a tantrum and tears up toys.
Unbelievable.  I'd spank her but she would only think it was fun.
Bob C and the MO 21 Ferts Of Joy
[Posted in FML issue 2063]