Dateline: September 12, 1997,    Place:  Robins Nest, Granite City, ILL
No, I am not a human.  I am a ferret, Jill by name.  I was put with a hob to
breed.  I did my part.  What is my repayment?  I am nervous about being able
to provide for the 6 kits, which I brought into this world.  Wouldn't you
be?  Fed once a every 24 hours.  4-6 ounces of water.  Feces piled in the
corner, and on the divider board below.  Enough of remembering.
I was termed a "bad mother".  I was nervous.  I didn't know what else to do.
Yes, I destroyed 5 of the kits.  I could only afford to keep one alive.
There was no additional food for me during pregnancy to increase my milk
supply, my home was an aquarium.  Dirty walls.  I can't see out.  I am
scared.  I have to protect my one youngen left.
I heard voices again.  A repeat voice.  Okay, scratch the side of the
aquarium get out.  Didn't work.  They just looked in and walked by.  Him
saying "She's a bad mother ate, her kits." She said, "How much for the
mother and kit?" Then they walked away.  Alone, again.  Why?  I gave him
what he wanted.
Kit is now a week older, soon he'll open his eyes.  Why dear Maker?  There
isn't anything to see.  The voice the one that asked about me.  He said I
need to have privacy.  Yes, but not complete isolation.  He is lifting me
out of my personal hell hole, what of my baby?  But I can always make more.
This area has a softer firm floor.  Oh, sigh, my little one is now put with
At our temporary home, we are still together.  But I am calm.  There is
food, all the time.  I can feed my little one, I can sleep and there is this the other side of the rainbow bridge.  Can't be I am alive
and see others like me.  Maybe I wasn't bad just badly treated.
[Posted in FML issue 2063]