ok -- ya' got me out o' hiding. . .  . .
"To dook or not to dook, that is the question.  Whether 'tis funnier to
wardance in swings and hammocks of outrageous cage decor... " etc etc etc.
Life, the Universe, and Ferretone (Doug Adams again)
"A Fistful of Ferrets" (Old Spaghetti Western with Clint Eastwood)
"2 Ferrets for Sister Sara" (ditto)
..........the mind boggles.
What about games? Like
Futile Pursuit (like Trivial Pursuit but it's what YOU play with your
ferrets when they've stolen your socks out from under your nose)
Chinese Raisins (like Chinese Checkers but see which ferret can empty all
the holes of their raisins first)
My brain hurts now, so it's your turn. . . .LOL
[Posted in FML issue 2062]