Hi everyone!
School started here three days ago and my daughter being the darling that
she is has volunteered our ferrets for show and tell.  I would consider
bringing in one of my babies as two of them together I think would be too
hard to keep track of.  Has anyone else done this for their children, if so
what and how did you do?  I am thinking of printing out some sort of
information thing for the kids, maybe with a picture of a fert for them to
color.  Keeping in mind that these children are first graders and are unable
to read yet what do you think would be best?  I would like to entertain them
somehow and anything I give them will be taken home to mom and dad to read.
Should I do nothing at all and just bring in my fuzzy?  It is highly
unlikely that either of my babies would bite but just in case we do live in
MA, one of the better places to be with a fuzzy I am told.
Thanks for all the help I know you guys will send me ;-)
I would be bringing one into school towards the end of the day so the kids
would have no more than 15 minutes or so to see my ferret.
[Posted in FML issue 2056]