Face it, we've been out-smarted!
We had the votes to pass this bill, but they load it with unworkable
Then they say these amendments cost to much and have to be studied further.
They don't actually vote against the bill, but it is "inactive" again.
Once again, the ferret bill dies and it has nothing to do with the merits of
allowing ferrets as legal pets.
Same old thing as when we were in front of the Fish and Game Commission.
When they had to come up with an action, they said "We don't have the
authority to remove ferrets from the prohibited species list."
They will do everything in their power to avoid ferret legalization.
We have to remove the politicians and bureacrats from the process and do the
initiative.  There are thousands of people who are begging to get involved.
We've all written letters until our keyboards broke.  It's time to take it
to the voters and work on an initiative that has no amendments for
spay/neuter, rabies or licensing.
If they want to beat us at the punch in the state senate, fine.  But don't
count on it.
Pat Wright
Ferrets Anonymous
[Posted in FML issue 2055]