Okay..so I broke down this weekend and ventured into a pet store here in
Texas with the intentions of "playing with the ferrets".  Yeah right!!  This
particular store has always had the cutest kits, but since I refuse to give
in to ferret math, I never asked what breeder they come from.  Well, after
falling head-over-heels for a beautiful silver colored kit with a brown
freckle on her nose, I asked the BIG question: "Are these Marshall Farms
ferrets?" (They don't have any tats on their ears.) The sales lady said that
she thought they were...."Marshall farms produces very high quality
ferrets." HAHAHAHA!  I did the "Whatever" eye roll and dragged my human
child out of the store.  (No flames PLEEZ).  I know I should've enlightened
the poor girl, though the remark really made me chuckle.  I'll be hanging
out there a little more often, hopefully to guide this store in the right
direction.  At least the conditions weren't too bad, though the cedar chips
on the floor would be enough to gag the healthiest of lungs.  Updates soon!!
Sebastian "But momma, I want a another sisser"
Scuttle "Are you sure this one's a girl...look how confused we are!"
[Posted in FML issue 2053]