Well, hello ferreteers..  I have a few questions.  First, thanks to all who
posted about my interest in a recliner.  I totally appreciate all of your
help.  We are a great bunch huh?  =) Well, my first... I read that we have
people that monitor our list?  Like anti-ferret people?  Is this true?  If
so..  a big hiss to all of those mean lurkers out there thar are trying to
do us harm!!!  I hope my ferret steals your socks!!
Another... I am a college student, full time.. and I work full time (but
dont worry, fuzzbutt gets plenty of my time and plenty of run time) But I
was wondering, does anybody have a compilation of ferret treatments,
homemade remedies and such, or vet roccomended doses of meds?  If not, I
would volunteer to compile them all, and say, send them to the FML for
further reference..  I am very busy, and I am just learning MSWord, But I am
willing to Try..  I think it would be great to have an instant refernce
instead of those desperate and having to wait until the next day for posts
to answers..  If this is already done, please tell me where I can find it..
I am just saying that I will try... If it becomes too much, then I will have
to volunteer it and all my work to someone else..  But I AM willing to try =)
OK, enough rambling..
And still more questions..  I read that a ferret should be on Iams or
something similar until 3, then switched to TF ..  Is this true, or should
she be on TF now?  She is a year and a half old, and eating Iams kitten
food..  I have no stores that sell TF, so I will have to order it..  But if
it is better, then I think I can swing the extra cash..
  Thanbks for all your help..
     Misty and Skittles..
[Posted in FML issue 2080]