hi.  my name is casper, and im a real brat.  i scared the poopie out of my
mommie a few weeks ago.  i was REAL sick.  my doctor said i was gonna die,
but momma wouldnt give up.  she fed me some good stuff, and i got fat again.
she took me away from my girlfriend, but im BACK!  i missd her so much!i sur
didunt like bein stuck in my momma room all by myself.  when i got strong
again, i tried to dig under the door.  that stuff wood is real hard to dig
and that slippery stuff momma calls tile really didnt help me.  i hate it
and tried to eat it butmy teefs werent strong enuf!  momma keeps sayin how
hapy she is dat my nose is pink.  i think i look lik a sissy, but she kisses
me all da time so i guess its ok.  i still wish i had a black nose like my
girlfriend!  my fur is purty again, i hated being yelow.  everyone fussed
over me so much.  i liked it, but im glad im bettur.  i think i hear momma
comin down the hall.  she says im not alowd to play on the pooter thing, but
i found so many nice frinds here and i herd momma say you guyz didnt know
that i was bettur yet.  OHNO!  im in big trub..
as you can see, casper is much better.  where he learned to type i have no
clue!  he had good intentions, so i guess ill finish off thisnote for him.
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!  i do not know what i would have
done if i had not had the fml ppls to talk to.  Casper is alive, and seems
to be totally better.  i truly believe it is a miracle.
[Posted in FML issue 2080]