Hi Friends,
It's been a while since I have posted, I'm still here though.  A fulltime
job, 9 college credits and 5 fur children take alot of my time.
Anyway to get to the point: I have to do a research paper for business law
any subject I choose.  My theory is if I can pick what I want to do, then I
am going to pick something that interests me.  Kodo and his family came to
mind.  I would like to do my research on what the laws in New Jersey are
regarding Rabies testing, using Kodo's case as the backbone.
So my question to you folks, I know a few people were working on gathering
this info for all states can you point me in a direction or maybe some
interesting research you have come across etc.  Maybe someone who works for
NJ State can give me a department or phone number to call and request this
info.  (Honestly......I don't even know where to start) And my bookmarks
were wiped out I don't even have the address for Pam Grants web page or
Kodo's web page.
Thanks you for any help you can provide
Gina Fritz
[Posted in FML issue 2077]