Last night my boyfriend and I went to the local petstore for supplies.
Naturally we had to go look at the kits.  There was an adorable panda kit
that Michael asked to look at.  When he picked him up, we noticed that his
butt was all inflamed and red.  He seemed to be okay otherwise, his stools
looked normal (we checked the cage), his eyes were bright and he was very
Could this just be because of his age?  He had no tattoos but according to
the salesperson (ferret knowledgeable) he was approximately 5 weeks old and
had been fixed and descented.  I believe I have seen postings in the past
where kits have prolapsed rectums due to being altered at such an early age.
Could this be a sign of a problem?
Unfortunately Michael had to take me out of there before we purchased
another baby.  We are in the process of buying a house and can't really
spend the extra $$$$.  I would just like to know what to watch for in the
Lucy Brutus and Boo Boo
[Posted in FML issue 2077]