Hello everyone again.
Thanks for the nice notes of encouragement that I've received.  We're on day
2 and still no signs or leads.
So far I've contacted the following people: Toronto Humane Society, North
York Animal Control, Police 32 division, Toronto Transit Commission.  I've
left posters all over the place - near the schools, bus stops, street
corners, theatres, churches, walkways, vets, petstores.  Last night I went
door to door in the neighbourhood.  I even took Gabby down with me to CityTV
to Speaker's Corner in hopes they might air my 2 minutes during the news
Thanks to Stan, Terry, Judith and Jack for coming out last night to help
with the search.  I really appreciated your help.  Thanks too to Paige for
her networking and 24 hour paging watch.  Cheryl, thanks for your new offer
of help!  I believe we'll do the bloodhound search tomorrow morning if
possible.  The only thing left I can think of is live traps out in the back
of the apartment.
I'm still worried about Lola.  Mindy has her winter coat and weight already
on.  Lola's tail hair was just beginning to grow back.  She's a slim jock
having a seasonal coat change right now.  The last two nights have been
quite chilly.
Buster and Jill are happy as nuts right now, because their two enemies
aren't around.  Gabby, on the other hand, is upset.  Last night, when I took
her with me to the TV station, she was shaking like she does outside, but
she was in a permanent gagging state.  She normally only does this when
she's stressed out.
Mindy, Lola.... you little adventurers.  You've desired the big adventure
for awhile.  You have it now.  I hope it is what you expected.  You're human
step-parents love you, Gabby and Sam miss you.... please make it home
Best regards,
Rob and Kate Adlers in Toronto, Canada
[Posted in FML issue 2076]