This is my first time posting to this list, so I hope I don't sound too
silly. :)  My girlfriend and I just adopted our first ferrets.  (Well it was
supposed to be 1, but this little silver fellow just gave me that look that
I had to take him and his buddy home with us.) I have to admit, I am rather
pleased with them all!  I used to be one of those outsiders who thought that
Ferrets where "Wild Animals" and definitely didn't think they were that
smart.  But after lots of reading, and playing with these little ones it is
nice to learn I was wrong.  :)
Now, my question is hopefully an easy one.  My girlfriend says she saw that
ferrets can get colds?  She has been trying to avoid them for the past 2
days because she has one.  Is this true?
Mike Roth & Jennifer Yost
Cindy, Tom & Jerry.....
[Posted in FML issue 2074]