I wanted to let everyone know that a friend of mine (Jamie) has just
registered a new domain name: ferrets.net
Now he is asking for links and ferret pictures to add to his site!
You can go visit it at: http://ferrets.net
There's not much there yet, it's only a couple weeks old. =)
I will say he has a beautiful image of a black-footed ferret there, though.
Also, I have registered a postcard service at:
I am really interested in making some ferret images available for use as
postcards.  Right now, I am just using some abstract images I created,
besides the default images of landscapes, etc...
If anyone has some nice ferret photos, that they think would make great
e-cards, could you please send them to me ([log in to unmask]) with your
name & the ferret's name?
If you'd like to be included on this new site, you can send mail to either
me or to Jamie ([log in to unmask]).  And if you have any suggestions on how
to improve this new site, please feel free to tell us!
Many thanks!!
[Posted in FML issue 2042]