Hi everyone, it's been a long time since i've posted here, but i wanted to
put in my scores' on the hit rate...I have 4 female and 1 male...All are
100% hit rate in the cage...but out of the cage my male uses it whenever and
where ever he wants!  and doesn't let it out all at once either.  so i
follow him around in the morning for about 10 min.  making sure he remembers
to go in the box!  I have 2 girls that are 100% good girls in and out...my
other 2 girls are about 75% hit rate and the other 25% is right by the box!
I found out the hard way to stay at the vet about 10 min after getting
shots...Pooky was going for her annual shots and she got the new ferret
distemper shot and she had a bad reaction to it...I'm lucky i was asking
about problems of my other one...she gave Pooky a shot to stop the reaction
and keep her to watch her...I picked her up that night and she couldn't use
her back legs, the vet said she should be able to use them in 48 hrs...well,
one of her back legs came out of it and one didn't... So, That was in May
and now it's August and she's now just starting to get most of the feeling
back, it took about 3-4 months to get some feeling back and now it's almost
normal.  We still don't know if it will come out of it or not.
Now every time they need annual shots i'm soooo nervious what may happen to
them.  and Saturday is Peanut's turn!  I'm so scared!  and believe me i'm
waiting about 10 min just in case...
So if any one is taking their fuzbutts please stay just in case! you may
never know what could happen.  cause Pooky is 3 yrs and this is her first
reaction, and she has always been current on her shots.
Good luck to every one!
Pooky, Peanut, Squeakers, Turbo, and Static
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[Posted in FML issue 2042]