Hi there,
I must say that i had a very high hit rate with Nosey and Trouble(almost a
year old) until "HE" ( my 3 rd ferrets Rebel) cam ein to our life.  I
couldn't be mad at him at first because he had a bad hip and was only 5
weeks when i rescued him from the store.  But after a while i noticed that
no one was going in the litter and my corners were a lost cause.  Then after
about 2 months they were back on track again.  I was thrilled.Then came
number 4.  Bandit.  He was a rescue from an abused home.  Well the cage was
a mess the floors well i can't even tell you what they looked like.  He
didn't even use the corners!!!He went where ever he was.  Well it has been
about 2 months and i finally just gave up.  I have newspaperfolded up the
wall in ever corner that is in their room( which is my husband and my room
too) and i just replace it when needed.  I have three cats and a new puppy
that live with us.  But any way the cat litter box is not good enough for th
fuzzies because the cats walk through it .  ( My fuzzies are a little stuck
up ) :D I guess you can say my miss rate is 100% but thats ok at least the
use th e paper( and so does my puppy !
Nosey < whats this in my corner? thunck bang clunk(mom getsup and removes
litter box from cage)
Trouble< this looks like a good place , nope  let me try the corner with no
Rebel< thanks mom this sand box is great. Just keep those cats out of it.
Bandit< who has time to get to the corner? There is too much too do.
[Posted in FML issue 2040]