Well, I'll admit, I have no grapefruity smelling ferret tails, nor do I have
any that smell like root beer... Cheese and bacon flavoured snacks though...
yes!  My little tail-less cinnamon jill smells very strongly of "Rashuns" -
I have no idea where these are distributed, having not seen anywhere except
in New Zealand, but it's the most DELICIOUS scent!  (You could just 'eat her
up' anyway, she's so cute!!) I have no idea why she smells so differently
from my other ferts - they eat the same food, live in the same cage... (dig
in to the same treats too, when they con me into giving them a little)
However I am NOT going to complain!  I love it!  Has anyone else got cheese
and bacon smelling ferrets?  I've never found ANY other ferret that smells
quite like my Gemn!!
Just a note here, during the winter, my babies live inside.  Although the
weather is very temperate here in the summer (never getting over 26 - 29oC -
which I think is close to 79oF to 84oF) it gets chilly in winter (this is
relative here - to about freezing, which is 32oF or 0oC) Since it's so
'warm' in the summer, but never 'hot', they remain outside in their 'cage'
(6' high by 6' wide by approx 11' long), digging in the dirt, playing in
their tunnels, or just relaxing in the shade on the levels... This keeps
their smell to the non-existent level.  However, during the winter, all of
them live in the one cage - much smaller, still 6' high, but this one's only
4' by 4' wide... They've got boxes and hammocks to play in instead of
tunnels and pipes, but they make do... There IS a slight smell though,
without their dirt to play in.  While on my recent trip to the States and
Canada, I came across something called 'Deodorocs' - little white pucks
which somehow seem to remove all smell from an area.  I honestly couldn't
see how they'd work, but thought - hey why not try it??  I'm telling you
now - this stuff works!  My family must have the most sensitive noses in the
world.  Go anywhere near the house with the ferrets and <sniff sniff> but
now, not only no comments, but when asked if they felt these things were
working, they suddenly realised there wasn't any smell any more!  They
'renew' their smell-absorbing capabilities by being placed in the sun for a
few hours, and as long as they don't get stuck in the rain, they'll
apparently last for ages... I don't work for these people, heck, barely even
know who released them!  But I believe it's made from a company called
'Non-Scents'.  Anyone interested can email me, and I'll hunt up the package
and find some info for them.
[Posted in FML issue 2040]