Hello all!
It has been a while sense I've posted.  Well, I guess you all remember that
Kelsey passed on...I want to thank everyone who sent me such nice words of
sympathy.  My dad (who is a veternarian) is almost positive it was some kind
of heart failiure, because she was fine the day before, and becuase it
happened so suddenly.  I didn't want an autopsy done, because, well, I just
didn't want her all cut up, and stuff.  Well, anyways, I don't know if
you've heard this song or not, but it's by Puff Daddy, and the chours of it,
when ever I hear it allways makes me cry when I think of Kelsey....
"Every Step I take, Every move I make"
"Every single day, Every time I pray"
"I'll be missing you"
"What a life to Take, What bond to break"
"I'll be missing you"
I miss ya Kelsey.
Thanks for letting me share this with you all.  Okay, now for the next part.
Chelsea, has been very distructive these past few months, making stains all
over my room, never wanting to play, bitting anyone who came near, never
using the litter box in the cage, just making clean up for me miserable.  I
tryed everything to make her like me, but she just hated me, and it got even
worse when Kelsey died.  So, we (my mom+dad+I) thought that it was better if
we moved Chelsea down to the animal hosptital, where perhaps she could be
rehabilitated, but most likely not.  I feel terrible, but I may have to
return her to FARI, where I got her, because she is just to dificult to care
for.  Please, no flames, I just couldn't do it.  So, here I was, about 3
weeks ago, totally ferretless.  Suddenly, a women calls the animal hospital,
she has 2, 6 month old ferrets that she can't keep.  So, one of the staff
members at the Animal hospital, who knew I didn't have anymore ferrets,
called me, and asked if I wanted them.  I said I'd have to think about it.
So, a week later, I decided that, yes I would take the 2.  I got them home
and they are adorable.  There names are Cinnamon and Hanna.  They were all
ready named.  They are both females, and both sables.  They are so much fun!
Well, I'll tell you more about them later, as this post is getting rather
long.  Thanks for listening!
Hanna-Mom, are you paying attention to me? Mom, are ya,
huh? No? Chomp. Now you are hee-hee!
Cinnamon-Okay, if I take a running leap, I can make it over
that barrier into the office room... runrunrunrun
leeeaaaapp thud. Opps, gotta try again....runrunrun
[Posted in FML issue 2040]