Hi FML!  Elizabeth here, daughter of Mad Man Bob.  As you can see, I now
have my very own offical and super-duper email address.  This shows that not
only am I an offical student at Missouri, but I am an offical person.  Take
that all you rumor-mongers who thought I wasn't real!
I have some bad news to report.  As dad was driving to Georgia to take some
ferret pictures, his new red car broke down somewhere this side of
Nashville.  Dad said that damage happened to the transaxle (sp?) when the
car was hit by the Federal Express truck, but no one knew, and it ripped
apart while he was driving.  He had it towed to a dealership to be fixed,
but no one, especially dad, knows what will be happening about it for a day
or so.  If anyone is in the area, they can find dad by the column of steam
rising off his head or by the nasty words he is repeating over and over,
anlong with words that sound something like "fedex will pay..." Right now,
he is trying to figure out how long the repairs will take, if he needs to
saty in a motel until it is fixed, or come home until it is fixed.  He is
not happy right now, I can say that for sure.
Anyway, dad wanted me to tell people he might be a day late or more, and
will let everyone know exactly what is happening as soon as he does.  Or I
will as soon as I do.
Dad was running behind before he left, and asked that I put this short
message from him on the FML:
"Just a short message concerning Sandy.  She went in for surgery last
Friday, and nothing was done due to the extent of the tumor growth.  A
biopsy... [Dad wrote some stuff here I can't read because of his horrible
handwriting] ... and the tests indicated it was maligant.  As soon as she
recovers, she will start steroid and perhaps chemotherapy.  In any case, no
matter how long she has, she will be well cared for and loved."
Dad was pretty upset about the news, and carried Sandy in a chest bag all
weekend.  Sandy is doing pretty well, and I am now taking care of her for
dad.  When we first got her, she was really a bad biter, but now she is the
sweetest thing, even though she looks funny without all the hair.
I have to go and buy some *more* books for a computer class I have to take.
I looked at the stuff, and I think I might die this semester.  But al least
I have my own e-mail account now!
Elizabeth, Former chief pooper-picker upper and now Ferret Nurse
[Posted in FML issue 2040]