Have to tell you about our hit rate.  It used to zero, zip, zitch, nil,
nada.  I have 1 boy & 1 girl.  I asked for some advice from a very smart
ferret person - Bev Fox (North Coast Ferret Shelter) She told me to change
the kind of litter box to a small cat box - can be purchased at Wal-Mart for
$1.99, & since then (I,m telling the truth) we have had a 100% hit rate.
Thank you Bev!!!!  It may work for you too, it may not, but for $1.99 - what
do you got to lose?  Also, can anybody tell me where I can get designs,
material list, ect.  for making my own cage.  My fuzzies want more room &
they told me that they want ferret math to hit their house soon.  Would like
to make a two or three story house.  I,ll take any info you have.
                         Laurie  E-Mail [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2039]