>started giving it to Potpie, who will be 5 this upcoming january.  Has
>anybody else started using this product?
>How do you store 20lbs of ferret food to prevent oxidation and staling?  I
>don't think I have enough freezer/fridge space.  :P
Hi Melissa,
I also have a five year old, and I want her to start on Totally Ferret for
oldsters.  I'm going to have to order it though, since I live in a ferret
free zone.  I'll let ya know how it goes.  But in the meantime, I also have
two 2 year olds, so do you or any other FML'ers know a good way to separate
the normal and oldster formulas.  Mine all eat out of the same bowl, so
could I just mix them?  Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Also, I just store the food in a plastic trash can container with a tight
fitting lid.  This seems to work pretty well for us.
[Posted in FML issue 2038]