Man I'm I dense or what.  Did the child that Thunder bit die from rabies?
if the virus can remain dormant in a ferret for seven years doesn't it have
to be active to be passed through a bite.  I would like some one in the
Michigan Health(HA HA) department explain this as well as maybe the baby
didn't die because it got shots so where are the records of the shots and
why kill a perfect lab specimen for the seven year rabies study.  The only
thing the Michigan Health(Ha Ha) whatever could possible due to help this
rabies epidemic in ferrets is to find Robin who can contact Batman and have
him tell the bats to stop biting things and sneaking into homes in the
middle of the nite when no one can see.  Crooks should take note of the bats
technique to improve their breaking and entering un-noticed.
Boy what happened to common sense in politicians and public officials.  I
understand why people call govt officials beaurcrats and other not so nice
things.  With this display of stupidity no wonder.  Is there no one in the
system in Messupagain, or however ones spells it, that has the BALLS to
speak up against stupidity.
PO'ed again in El Paso
Dave Adams
PS glad the thing with the vet in NY and Lugo was rectified.  The party that
corrected that is correct in that both sides should be heard before jumping
into the fire.  Somehow should that apply to the Thunder situation or does
it not since the official answer will be parrotted as before.  Ok lets hear
from the killers side.  What say ?
[Posted in FML issue 2021]