Well guess what.  Of course he posted that he was done with green ickies.
HE LIED!!!!!  We started back up on Wednesday evening.  What a pest!!!  I
think he just missed my face when I took the pink stuff!!!  Well I'm back to
force feeding, 1/2 cc Carafate, and 1/4 cc Amoxidrops.  I guess he likes a
stressed Mom.  Still being a pest about taking things.  I guess all those
recipes will be put to use after all.  I've read Bandit the E-mails of
everyone saying AT-A-Boy.  I hate to bring the bad news to you, he didn't
have the heart to.  I thought that I would let my FML family know the
happenings.  I'll keep you informed.
Emily "You two!!!"  I think I should start meditating.
Bandit "No not the syringe again."
Tess "Bandit why wont you get better?"
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[Posted in FML issue 2021]