Troy Lynn wrote about Rev. Dr. Moore and the book she just ordered. I have
the book (and I have talked to Debra before, although she didn't write the
book) and I'd like to toss in my two cents.
The book is very friendly and contains a lot of good, general information.
It's also pretty cheap, and while it's not the 'tightest' book out there in
terms of editing and publication, it's a good read and a pretty good
introduction to animal nutrition.  It's not a recipe book, like Pitcairn's
or Stein's.  The section on ferrets probably doesn't contain much info that
Troy Lynn doesn't already know (grin) but would definitely be interesting to
someone who was just getting interested in more natural foods/living for
their ferrets & other pets.  The owner stories are a nice addition.
Rev. Moore is a wonderful, fantastic woman with unbelievable amounts of
experience with animals.  I could go on raving, but I won't.  I will
probably quote some things from Dr. Moore from the wellpet list on the
FML, such as her all-natural herbal flea remedy recommendations, which are
 ___ Melissa Litwicki __ [log in to unmask] ___
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 2034]