I'm taking care of Tiger Boy for Karen Trask.  She posted awhile back about
him and he has been to the vet several times.  He has been sick for quite a
few weeks now with rear end weakness, tooth grinding, enlarged spleen and
basically feeling pretty punky.  He's on Pepto Bismal and Amoxi-drops right
now with duck soup and Pedialyte.(he has had a course of prednisone without
any relief) Karen's vet has ruled out a few things and seems to feel this is
some kind of rather non-specific infection.  Anyway, Karen called me this
evening with his lab results.  His white count is very high at 30,000.  His
red count is down pretty low with his hemoglobin at 5.7 and his crit at 18.
His calcium is 6.7 and should be around 9, Karen was told.  His protein is
4, albumin 1.5 and globulin 2.5.  His lytes were within normal limits.  The
question I have is about his anemia.  Does anyone know any way to boost his
iron?  I'm wondering if there is suppliment which I can add to his food
which might help him out.  He is a darling and will take anything from me.
He is still quite "with it", even though he is a very sick little boy, he
still lifts his head to greet you and cuddles.  He drags himself to the
corner of the cage and uses the papers, but doesn't move around much other
than that.  He is taking small amounts of broken up Iams kitten food and
water by himself and is eating the duck soup by syringe.  Any suggestions
would be quite welcome.  Karen is away for a day or two, that's why I'm
[Posted in FML issue 2034]