Tonite around 7 p.m.  our silver mitt, Oliver, escaped into our garage and
got outside under the door.  We just discovered it around 10 p.m.  and have
been searching frantically for an hour around our neighborhood.  Still no
luck finding him...
We need your help if you live in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota.  He has
a blue collar with a bell, and he is pretty small for a male ferret.  Oli
has a dark silver/black/white body, with a white bib and paws, and huge
black eyes.  Weighs about 2 lbs.  Was lost in the Woodbury area, more
specifically near Lifetime Fitness (Spring Lane, Spring Hill, Tamarack Rd.
area).  He responds to his name or shaking a box of food of some kind, like
raisins, or whistling.  Oli does _NOT_ bite...he is the sweetest ferret you
could imagine.  You can see pictures of him at
We are heartbroken and very worried.  We are going to make signs to show we
have a lost pet.  Have also registered him with the police and local animal
shelter as a lost pet.  If anyone has any other ideas for us, please let us
know.  We want to get him back to us as soon as earthly possible...
Thank you all for your time....
Alison and Jason
/`\    ____  ,^.-,   Jason,Alison,Petey,Oliver, & Chloe    ,-o^,  ___   /'\
  ``-,'    `-';~~       email: [log in to unmask]         ~~;'-'   `-''
    .',-'~`../'    web:     `\..'~';,'
    `^^    `^^                                                 ^^    ^^
[Posted in FML issue 2034]