>From:    Melissa Litwicki <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Homeopathic 'vaccines'
>For example, in dogs, a nosode for kennel cough would involve taking mucous
>secretions from a dog with kennel cough and preparing the nosode from that,
>then giving the nosode to the dogs to be 'vaccinated.'
Interesting concept.  Not one I'd trust off hand to vaccinate but it is
similar to the only experimental but so far completely impractical cure for
distemper.  How this would work as a cure is that the anti-bodies for that
specific disease created by normal vaccination would be passed to the new
animal.  There the anti-bodies could try to do their thing.
What doesn't really make sense is how the presence of these anti-bodies
would trigger the body to reproduce them.  If it works it would be from the
presence of virus in the donor that get placed in the recipient.  On a low
grade disease like kennel cough the donated virus and anti-bodies would
trigger the recipient to make anti-bodies to kill the virus but with the
anti-bodies from the donor helping kill off the virus before they have a
chance to cause the disease.  This would rely on the infected donor being
well enough to have anti-bodies to fight off the disease.  Otherwise it is
just injecting pathogens into the well animal as a "preventative".  If the
virus are somehow killed or modifed than it IS a vaccine not something
How the "cure" for CDV works (not very well and at EXTREME costs) is that
blood is taken from vaccinated (not infected) animals and through spinning
and other processes the blood is reduced to a serum that consists of
hopefully enough anti-bodies that when injected into the ill ferret the
anti-bodies can power the immune system emough to fight the disease.  This
use of well but vaccinated animals seems much more safe than using ill
With a disease as deadly as CDV you would be gambling way too much for our
tastes.  You would first need a ferret infected with CDV.  Well that ferret
is probably dying.  You would then have to hope the serum being called
"nosode" would be virulent enough to trigger the immune system but not
virulent enough to infect the ferret.
No thank you.... We'll stick to regular vaccines which are not so poisonous.
Purposely infecting a healthy animal with a deadly disease has always seemed
rather quirky.
>The issue with vaccines is that they're prepared with too many  potentially
>toxic chemicals and the nosode is a more natural approach.
What toxic chemicals would those be?  Are they more toxic than live viruses
from a sick animal?  That would be hard to believe.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2033]