Hi, this is in reply to the person who replyed to "raisons aren't toy"s.  I
agree that that wasn't a good punshiment.  To tell you the truth after all
that happened I put him in the cage, washed my "ouchy", then I went and told
the FML what Happened.  After that I went into my room, and saw Hersheys in
the cage.  Do you know what he did?  He Gave me "THE LOOK"!  You know wich
look I mean right?  The Look that says "This has all been Great Aubrie, but
be a good pet, and open the cage now So I can get my cute little self out of
here" Then he stairs up at me with those cute little eyes!  He was out of
his cage in 20 minutes from when he was bad.  And after I let him out, I
thought he needed a raison to make up for the one he lost ealeir.
Punishments do not last long with me.  anyways, thanks for your concern :)
P.s. You can't see my ferret ko-ko at her web site:
http://www.oro.net/~kaaapkid Hersheys isn't in it yet.
[Posted in FML issue 2033]