So, it's been just over a week of the ferrets living in the same room and
running around in the same areas (at different times).  I thought, hey,
we'll put Noodle up and let Potpie meet Easel!  Sounds great, less filling,
Nope.  Nope nope nope nope nope.  Potpie and Easel have met before with
little ado, but this time Potpie scuttled over to the cat condo (where Easel
was hiding out inside) and SCHWOOM!!!  out comes a jet-propelled gimp ferret
and the screaming was loud and mighty in the few seconds it took me to
separate them.  Tails a-poof, fur a-flyin, and two very startled humans (and
one even more startled kitten, but more on that next paragraph).
Fortunately, such is Potpie's wonderfulness and Easel's good training that I
can fearlessly reach into a mess o' screaming ferret and grab both of them
by the torso and not get bitten.  When I grabbed both, they both whipped
around to bite my hand and then stopped upon noticing, "Hey.  Melissa." Then
they returned to trying to kill each other.  Ho, ho, ho.
Also, we have a kitten in the house (!).  My friend is on vacation, so we
get to kitten-sit.  Everyone is, of course, charmed (that was sarcasm,
there).  Karvel the kitten is a wonderfully friendly and polite kitten
around people, but he seems to want to make poor Potpie's life hell.
Potpie, say, will go into a paper bag.  Karvel JUMPS on top of the paper bag
and kills it!  Potpie squeaks!  Karvel kills!  Potpie runs over to me and
stands on my foot looking up at me like, "Mooooooooom!" Karvel is declawed,
btw.  My elderly cat, Bobo, has nasty things to say about kittens that I
can't repeat here, but in summary, the only furry being who's happy about
the situation is Karvel.  :)
 ___ Melissa Litwicki __ [log in to unmask] ___
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 2031]