While taking a nap, I was awakened by Sue.  She told me she couldn't find
Cohan but could hear him scratching somewhere.  Of our four ferrets, Cohan
is the most easy going and most lovable.  He also gets into the most trouble!
Anyways, when Sue or I am not home, the ferrets stay in the cages.  When we
are home, the ferrets are not allowed in the kitchen or bedroom (waterbed).
We keep the bedroom door closed and the kitchen door blocked.
After Sue woke me up, Cohan stopped scratching.  Sue told me she thought the
scratching sounds came from the kitchen.  Skipping all the details, Cohan
had gotten around the blocked kitchen door and had somehow gotten UNDER the
kitchen cabinets.  (The hole he went through was so small I have NO idea how
Cohan passed through !)
Luckily, my tool box was in our apartment and it contained my hammer and
crow-bar.  After taking the cabinet apart, Cohan was found- unharmed (Thank
God).  (Because I am a maintenance worker, I was able to put the cabinet
back together without anyone ever knowing...)
I have had ferrets for almost ten years.  I always make sure the apartment
is safe for them.  I only let the ferrets out while Sue or I am home.
HOWEVER, there has been four times when we've seen ferret life threatening
accidents!  Unfortunately, we lost poor Henry due to one...
Please remember- Our little friends are fearless.  Keep them OUT of the
kitchen and keep them in their cages when nobody is home.
I'm still here.  I haven't been too active with the ferret list lately
because I am in training for another Marathon this year.  I am still reading
Sue said to me, "There are alot of chat rooms, newsletters, etc. on the web.
I can't believe how ferret owners stick together and support one another."
She is right- Two paws up for all of us !!!!!!!!
Jim, Sue, Thumper, Lacey, Cohan (Still here, thank God), and Bo.
[Posted in FML issue 2030]