This morning I noticed that my ferret has a bump on his foot that I don't
think was there last night.  (We sat on the couch and read together and I
am sure I would have noticed it!)
It is on the top of his left foot, and (to my eyes) seems huge-- approx.
1/4 inch across--and like a swollen blood blister.
I wiped it off with a damp cotton ball, and a trace amount of blood came
off.  Also there were some little blood spots on his sleepy-bag that were
not there yesterday.
One of his toes looks a little out of shape--sort of like a reverse
hammertoe--and dark red/bruised-looking but there are no red streaks going
up his leg.
He is walking (jumping!  rolling over!) and behaving normally.  There
appears to be no pain--he didn't squirm or flinch or whimper when I touched
it and wiped it off with cool water--and he stands on it.  The bump is on
the top of his foot, about where the hand knuckles would be on a human hand.
I hated to leave him to go to work, but he gave me a "Mom, I'm fine, you
worry too much" look, and he'd been acting fine, and hadn't been upset when
I looked at the bump, so I'm here now sneaking an early coffee break, and
wondering what happened.  A spider bite?  A bruise?  He cut himself somehow?
Or something more sinister?
Will we be rushing to the emergency 24-hr-vet tonight after I get home-- or
will he be just fine?  If he'd acted unhappy about it I would've have to
take an emergency day but we are very short-staffed today and running on 1/2
power, and that would've not gone over big.  .  .so now I am here worrying
and wondering if anybody has any knowledge that will help.  .  .
Kate, owned by Emmett Kelly, part-owned by Booker Cat
[Posted in FML issue 2029]