I've recently heard of three cases in which ferrets were injured while being
kept in the large (4 ft.) Midwest "ferret" cages.  These are retro-fitted
cat cages sold in many pet stores, are made of black wire, and have several
hard black plastic shelves at various heights.  The only thing that makes
these "ferret cages" are the ramps leading to the shelves.  Ferrets are
hurting themselves falling from the slick hard plastic shelves because they
have nothing to grip.  In the worst case, a critter fell from the top shelf
onto the edge of its litter box and broke its back; it is now an ex-ferret.
Obviously these cages were not designed for ferret safety.  They look nice
and large, but have very little useable space.  Most people have to hang
hammocks to create extra space, and when they are hung near the top of the
cage the chance of falls and injury increases.  If you have one of these
cages or a cage like it, PLEASE carpet the shelves.  Better yet, a cage
maker in Lansing, MI can provide full floors for these cages.  Contact me
directly for contact information.  I'm not trying to promote a particular
business, just save ferrets from injury.  And, when you see these cages in
pet stores, please let the managers know how unsafe they can be.
Sally Childs-Helton and the Ferretopia Gang
[Posted in FML issue 2028]