Bob C. report from Eastern Long Island,NY
In the late hours of Monday night, my deaf dog Suzy woke from a deep sleep
and barked at the door.  (How DOES she do that?) From all the descriptions
on the FML I would have known him anywhere although the turban did throw me
for a moment.After putting out a plate of donut holes (only Santa gets the
chololate chip cookies) and the passing of secret code words to make sure it
was indeed our Bob,and giving directions to his very own private bathroom
(he'll send for it later), we proceeded to our ferret rescue to introduce
the 13 fuzzies who have hung their hammocks with us for a while.  After much
mutual admiration we all went to bed.
I woke at six am to the smell of hot cinnamom toast and coffee.  Where was
Bob?  No trace in the guest room , no old truck in the drive, no trace at
all that he had been here but wait.......the bathroom...
Where did our white towels go?????????????
  Jay, Gale and the fuzzies
[Posted in FML issue 2027]